Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh, the irony...

My previously written blog was entitled "technical difficulties"...Yes, I said, the previous one...Ohhhh, the irony.

It took me over two hours, I prepared a really cute one, and as I clicked to check the link to my website I somehow erased everything I had written. I'm offically exhausted due to a major lack of sleep and was supposed to be preparing to reformat my computer for tomorrow so that being said, this one is short and sweet ;) Please excuse me as I disappear for a day or two-We are experiencing technical difficulties-

Currently I am feeling like the blip below...Do not adjust your set..There is nothing wrong with your
Just listen and take a ride into "windows" like you've never heard it before ;) Enjoy and bon weekend :)

Windowdipper-Jib Kidder

Friday, January 1, 2010

The soundtrack of my life...

Now here's something I am very passionate about!
If you click on my blog title above you will immediately go to my radio station on To say I love this website is an understatement!!! A big thanks to Ashton Kutcher, not that he'll ever know how thankful I am, for turning me on to it during his twitter-off with CNN! I "followed", he won, as did I, when I discovered yet another way to express myself and share that which is most inspiring to me... Music!
It truly does soothe the savage beast indeed ;)
I bring my ipod to school sometimes when I teach my jewelry workshops. The kids love it when I do, and they behave a bit better too ;) I make age appropriate playlists for each of my classes. Stuff like the Jonas Brothers for the tweens, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana for the younger kids and some "pop" mixes for the older ones. I make sure there's something for me in there too as the above aforementioned is not really what I am in to.

This is what I used to use to play my iPod at work...or by the pool in the summer ;) It's awesome and has pretty decent sound!

I later killed that one and replaced it with this one under my extended warrantee. It's tiny and I liked the old one better, but it's still good!

Ahhhh the sweet sound of music, it's the thing that always calms me down, perks me up and stays faithful to me throughout the day as it helps to keep me focused and entertained while I work and play. Words can't fully explain how truly essential this form of art is to me, it's like oxygen, I need it to survive! (How melodramatic does that sound???!!)
Basically, I'm just so happy that I can add the element of music to my blog so I can share it with you, and then you can enjoy it too! If you want to hear what I am listening to, you can simply click on the song titles listed below each blog, they're linked to my account for you. If you would rather not leave blogger to go to blip (assuming that it goes that way for you too) then you can open up another window and youtube the song titles as well if you prefer....Whatever works for you...This is an interactive blog to a certain degree so be prepared to play a little ;)

If you chose to join, shortly after signing up on, you are a Dj with your own internet radio station. Once this first step is complete you will be in touch with an online database of millions of tracks and videos which you select and then stream on or through other social networking sites.
Please click the title of this post to visit my "LadyFunk" station and be sure to try your own, it's awesome :)

I totally have full intention of blipping in my blogs daily.
Due to the fact that I am a bit of a stickler for detail, I feel you'll get a better idea of who I am and what I am saying if you can hear what I'm listening to or feel the mood I was in. It's an exciting feature to my blog that I know both you and I will enjoy experimenting with:) (if you're into that sort of thing)
Welcome to the soundtrack of my life...or my blog anyway :)

Sometimes, I don't know quite where to begin with my writing, crafting, work or even cooking...Truth be told, getting started is the hardest part for me. It's a brand new year full of exciting and endless possibilities and I think that on my blog is as good a place as any for me to begin.

This song says it all in the title...I hear it in my head as I often pace all over the place trying to figure out where to begin.
"I just don't know what to do with myself....!"
Just hit play next to lady funk in the bubble when you get there ;) If you'd like to hear the original version by Dusty Springfield circa 1966, you can enter the title in the search bar from there...and even see the t.v. footage of her performing it live if you so choose :) It'll play from youtube.
Happy listening...and I highly recommend wearing your best headphones while you visit my blog to get the full desired effect ;)

These are the ones I have:

Bose triport headphones

Disclaimer: Funky business blog and it's associates will not be responsible for any hearing loss or damage which may occur during visitation to this blog and it's links. Reader/listeners beware!

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Buy blinged Bose

I just don't know what to do with myself - The White Stripes